
Monday, 5 January 2015

Bout of Books Read-a-Thon Update Post


I didn't read today because the study course took up all my time and I decided to go see Into the Woods instead of reading. Great movie, by the way. 


I finished Gracefully Grayson! It was a short, cute read and very powerful; more on that later. I then started on The Only Thing to Fear by Caroline Richmond. As a person who's somewhat interested in history, I'm interested in this book; The Only Thing to Fear is an alternate history about Hitler winning WWII and its effects on the world eighty years later. 

What I think is interesting about this timeline is that Hitler somehow allows the Soviet Union to continue when it's stated that he had the larger military force. I'm not so sure about Japan and Germany peacefully coexisting, but it was Hitler who broke the nonagression pact in 1941, well before the end of the war in the timeline of The Only Thing to Fear. Hitler and Stalin hated each other, because fascism and communism hated each other. 

But hey, that's just my opinion. 


I finished Rebel Spring and started on Gracefully Grayson today and got about 50 pages in. I think I'm on track; maybe I'll just read four books instead of five but that's okay because I am a High School Student with Important Exams coming up and I need to study.


I actually finished a book today! It's onto the second book of the Falling Kingdoms series, Rebel Spring. I will do a joint review of both after I finish Rebel Spring. I would read and review the next book as well, but unfortunately that's still on hold at the library. 

I would say I got quite a bit of reading done; I finished the last 150 or so pages of Falling Kingdoms and the first 80 of Rebel Spring (but I'm hoping to do a bit more reading before I actually fall asleep). It's amazing what a bit of time spent not-studying can do for you.


Again, studying has foiled my attempt to read. I'm only an extra thirty pages into Falling Kingdoms, and I don't have much time to update because I need to get right back to studying. I'm hoping to read a lot in the next three days.


Reading hasn't been going well because long story short, I got into school and got bombarded with make-up exams (tomorrow). So instead of reading, I had to study the entire night. I did get to do a bit of reading while I wasn't studying. Anyways, the list of books I hope to read this week:
  • Falling Kingdoms by Morgan Rhodes
  • Rebel Spring by Morgan Rhodes
  • Gracefully Grayson by Ami Polonski
  • and two I have yet to decide. 
Right now, I'm about 130 pages into Falling Kingdoms. I don't seem to have a break from studying until Wednesday, and I've just signed up for all-day exam prep courses when I was planning to do some reading. Still hoping to finish everything, though. Hey, I'm a fast reader. I can do this. Regrettably, I will not be able to participate in any of the challenges. 

Next Bout of Books, I'll be able to read a lot. I can't wait. 

I will be updating this post every day with my progress. 


  1. Finishing a book in three days is awesome. Finishing a book in three days when you're still studying is AMAZING. Great job and I can't wait to see the review! Keep on keeping on!


  2. Good luck in your exams! I think reading so many books in a week when you have important things coming up is amazing well done!
