My name is Jess and I'm a 17 year old Canadian kid. I like reading. I like reading a lot. Ever since before I can remember, I've tried to read everything I can get my hands on. I was that kid who read under the table in kindergarten. (I got in trouble for reading Charlotte's Web in school in junior kindergarten, when I was four.) The library was my safe haven. I read the good, I read the bad; I read hockey books and ballet books and I read books I loved and books I hated.
Not much has changed since then. I still read everything I can get my hands on from contemporary to fantasy and middle grade, young adult, and adult. I honestly don't have a niche. (My four favorite series are middle grade fantasy, though, and my three favorite books are historical fiction; a classic, an adult, and a young adult.) I suppose I've always considered myself to like genre fiction, though contemporary's just as enjoyable now.
I don't consider myself a big fan of romance, but you never know - some of my favorite books are romances. I tend to avoid stories which are strictly romance, unless it turns out to be an LGBT romance, which I am all for. Diversity in books is cool, kids.
As for what draws me to a book: queer characters - especially queer female characters, books about mental health, snarky characters, and revolting against the government.
Other than books, I write; I briefly pursue other arts like drawing and acting and singing and I'm taking up knitting, though who knows how well that will go? I also spend as much time as I possibly can in bed/in the shower. Preferably reading. Whoops. I'm an avid fan of musicals, I rarely watch TV or movies, and
My Rating System:
★ - Pass the bleach, please. Boring. Hard to read. Or just plain bad.
★★ - I had to push through it. I didn't like it, but it doesn't deserve only one star.
★★★ - It was okay. I liked it enough. Nothing in particular stood out to me, though.
★★★★ - Liked it a lot. Not enough to screech about it, but a lot.
★★★★★ - LOVED IT. Recommending this to people everywhere. Probably made me cry.
I'm more liberal with four/five stars reviews than I've seen most people be, and I'm hesitant to give out one-star reviews.
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